Your website is an ‘asset’, not a liability

Your website is an asset.

It’s something you’ve invested your time, energy and money to create because you believed one day you will get a return.

Every investor knows this too.

They are not buying stocks or properties.

They are buying ASSETS.

The business owners who thrive with their website and continue to scale are the ones who see their website as an ASSET.

You know what? 

Those who get stuck are the ones who see their website as a liability:

“Oh man, the hosting fee.”

“It’s due for renewal again?”

“I should cut my ad spending.”

These businesses will never get any major results from their website (and marketing) because their lens always focuses on ‘How can I save?’ instead of ‘How can I grow?’.

Don’t focus on poverty, focus on opportunity.

The question that the Business ‘Investors’ ask is:

How can I make the best use of my website (asset) and traffic (asset) to grow my business?

Your website is one of your most profitable AND controllable assets.

It’s up to you how you utilise it.


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