Messaging CRO Test
Product Page vs Landing Page. What would you do? 🤷
Which converts better with cold ad traffic?
The above example is from an A/B test we ran for Zorali, an Australian outdoor lifestyle brand.
Most of their social ad traffic was going directly to the PDPs. But for many visitors, it’s their first time seeing the brand.
So, where would you send their ad traffic to?
Many would assume one would convert better than the other, but in reality, pages are just vehicles to help us get our messages across.
Instead of asking “Should we use a landing page?”, we asked ourselves:
What key message and value proposition do we need to communicate before visitors see the product page?
17% lift in Revenue Per Visitor
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Simple changes can have a significant difference.
We hypothesised that social ad traffic isn’t familiar with the brand and products and we need to grab their attention right away.
After clicking the ad, they’re likely asking themselves:
- How is this different?
- Why should I trust you?
- What makes these so good?
Let’s have another look at the changes we added above the PDPs.
The new “landing section” establishes key points of difference while the autoplay video builds motivation and interest.
The press reviews build trust while the product images and the “why people love them” section summarises the key benefits.
Can you see how the messages address those customer concerns?
By adding a section to the top of select PDPs targeting only ad traffic, we could direct the right message to the right audience at the right time.
This is the heart of Messaging CRO.
Right message = More conversions
Messaging CRO is all about communicating the right message at the right time to convert more of your ideal customers.
By communicating your true value in a way that appeals to your customers, you can dramatically lift your conversion rate.
As customers, anytime we land on a website, we ask ourselves 4 main questions (whether consciously or subconsciously).
- What is this?
- Why should I care?
- Why should I choose you?
- Why should I trust you?
While some products “speak for themselves”, others need explaining, clarifying and selling.
Even the best product/ service needs the right message to optimise conversion rates and that’s what our Messaging CRO is all about.
Will Chan & Adrian J. Stewart
Scale Messaging
Scale Your Revenue to New Heights with Better Messaging